Bella Voca Dance Party

Date and Time: Saturday, July 15, 2023; 6:30 PM. Outside concert with option to picnic on the green at 5:30, weather permitting. If weather requires, concert will move inside the barn.

Location: Island Arts Center, 1127 U.S. Rte. 2, North Hero

Tickets: FREE event. Registration is requested but not required.

A vocal powerhouse band of six musicians with two vocalists. Tracy DeCoste, Brigid Bushey, Dan Rochester, Eric Mccaughan, Dale Derusha, and Mike Trudo deliver great music from all genres. Dance your heart out!

They play a great variety of music to please all, with songs from the Beatles, Adele, Fleetwood Mac, Elton John, Dua Lipa, just to name a few. The popular six-piece band performs in upstate NY and Vermont.

The awards to the winners of Island Arts’ second Sylvia Barry Art Contest for Youth will be handed out during the intermission.

BYOB. Rain or shine. A chair or blanket is suggested.

Photo courtesy of Bella Voca


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